In the great words of Bruno Mars, last night, “I didn’t feel like doing anythiiing. I just want(ed) to lay in my bed.”
Now don’t go getting all worried on me. There was no sadness, deep introspective thinking about the direction of my life or lack of motivation to go to the gym. I was just straight tired from
staying up late to watch the Voice working sooo hard. Yet, despite running on only 3 Dunkin Donuts coffees and 5 hours of sleep, I still wanted to work out.
Thus, I found myself in a bit of a conundrum – I WANTED to workout but lacked the ENERGY to complete a quality workout.
Enter Sometimes Healthy Girl’s Lazy Workout
At first glance, this concept seems like a bit of an oxymoron. What’s the point of working out if you’re not actually trying very hard? Well, if your idea of a good alternative to the gym is going home to sprawl out on the couch monster, watch repeat episodes of Real Housewives and mindlessly consume a 1 LB bag of pretzels, then your time might be better spent at the gym.
Here’s How a Sometimes Healthy Girl Executes a Lazy Workout
She considers using the rain as an excuse to go home, but triumphantly resists when she remembers her 10 year high school reunion is in 1 month.

Since it is rainy, maybe I just shouldn't work out? I wouldn't want to ruin my hair on the way to the gym...
She ensures that she’s properly fueled for her lazy girl’s workout by making a stop at the fro yo shop right by the gym. Snickers flavored yogurt topped with rainbow sprinkles seem like a good way to go…
She then consumes her workout fuel while walking to the gym.
Upon arrival in the locker room, she puts on a pretty pink t-shirt to motivate herself to stop eating the frozen yogurt and start working out. She ignores the weird looks from women in the locker room who are apparently wondering why she’s sitting in a gym locker room spilling chocolate yogurt all over herself, rather than working out.
She times her workout to coincide with her favorite entertainment program of the moment.
She leisurely peddles along on the elliptical for 52 minutes, the exact amount of time it takes Carson Daly to announce the finalists of the Voice. While peddling away, she alternates between two other forms of entertainment:
Reading Food Network magazine and daydreaming about all of the ideas she can pick up from this magazine to reward herself for her “difficult” workout.
Checking out the gym’s late night “eye candy.”
She knows that strength training is an important part of a complete workout, so after finishing on the elliptical, she forces herself over to the weight machines.
She decides she can check off the “strength training” box if she hits up the important machines (aka the machines that hit her “trouble areas”) while rocking out to “girl power” music.
First up, the weight room’s version of the thigh master.
Then, some other leg machine that is right next to the giant thigh master.
Next up, the love handles machine.
After doing 3 reps of 10 on each and almost breaking a sweat, she decides to wrap up the weights portion of the routine.
Next, she heads to the mats to do sit-ups/finish reading her magazine.
She quickly tires of the blatant stares from gym-goers wondering about her unique sit-up/magazine reading combo. So, she decides to throw in the towel at the gym.
She completes her abs workout in the comfort of her home, while watching MTV’s latest brilliant educational show.
And that, my friends is how a Sometimes Healthy Girl completes a lazy workout. At the end of the day, at least I worked out. It wasn’t pretty, but I did ALMOST break a sweat 😉
To recap, here are my 3 tips for successfully executing your very own lazy workout when you are extremely tired, hungover or unmotivated:
- Create Motivation: Motivation may include, but is not limited to, gym eye candy, pre-workout frozen yogurt, post-workout frozen yogurt, looking hot at your high school reunion, wedding, etc. – whatever helps you get your butt through the door.
- Create Diversion: Diversions may include, but are not limited to gym eye candy, reality television, magazines, your cell phone – whatever helps you put one foot in front of the other.
- Give Yourself Credit For Small Victories: Sure it would be nice to do one of those complete weight workouts that everyone talks about or bang out 15 miles, but who cares? You’re tired. Get your legs moving for a little cardio, use a weight machine or two, call it a day and pat yourself on the back for working some sort of muscle group (and don’t worry if you don’t know what that group is).
However, if you really don’t want to workout, don’t force it. FORCED WORKOUT = BURNOUT So, instead, head home, sprawl out on the couch with your favorite snack, watch this video and smile. It’s HEALTHY to relax every now and then 😉
What’s your version of a lazy workout? How do you motivate when you don’t have energy to make it to the gym?
HAH! This post totally cracked me up!
I only go to the gym when it’s yucky out (like tonight). My lazy workout: riding the stationary bike, the one where you can sit back and leisurely pedal. I did it for an hour while reading and playing with my cell phone.
Froyo sounds good – I have some Ben & Jerry’s half baked in the fridge, I think I’ll go get it.
That’s a nice little lazy workout. I’ll add that to my list of lazy workouts 😉
Haha I LOVED this post :). Your blog is awesome! My version of a lazy workout is taking my Nook to the gym and reading while I pedal away on the elliptical or bike. Any type of activity is better than none…or if I really am not feeling it, then I’ll stay home!
Totally agree with you on both fronts! Thanks for the compliment 🙂
haha eye candy. I can’t believe you actually took a picture of that guy!! I hope he comes across this blog someday and smiles inside because he’s eye candy.
hahaha I can’t believe I did either. I was sure someone would see me. There are two regulars at my gym that I’m always checking out. They weren’t there that night though. Too bad!
haha yes! I am all about using favorite shows to help motivate me to workout, especially because we don’t have cable! I am going to be a little sad not to have a gym membership until we get settled in whatever new city we’re moving too. At least it’s nice weather outside! 🙂
I am so curious as to where you are moving! Sounds like it’s some place warm, so that is promising 🙂 Don’t worry – you’ll have that gym membership in no time!
I was laughing so hard at your version of a protein shake, your version is SO MUCH better! My lazy workout consists of step aerobics on the Wii Fit or walking around the block with my twins. Much lazier than running or boxing or bike riding. But, I get through it by telling myself that no matter what I’m burning more calories than if I was sitting on the couch.
Yes I believe it was the best “protein shake” I’ve ever tasted….not sure how much protein was in there. haha. Um, great idea with the Wii workout. And I’m with ya: as long as you’re moving, it’s a good thing 🙂
The Wii Fit really does give a good workout! Not a joke! There’s even running and biking. And Segway. Without the actual Segway, but that’s ok because I’d probably fall off of a real Segway.
Pretty sure you wrote this post just for this lazy girl! I love it! I workout mostly at home (using the nike training center app on my iphone), and if i can motivate my lazy self to do a real work out, it’s usually intervals on the treadmill while watching some “educational mtv” programming.
Hmmm never heard of the Nike Training Center app. I’ll have to check it out! Educational MTV is the best!! 😉
def check out the nike training center app, its free and offers different level workouts for whatever you’re in the mood for, with minimal equipment. AND it can be set to work with your different playlists!
Haha- love the ‘eye candy’ comment! too funny 😀
Go you for going to the gym even when the rain was trying to encourage you to go home. I know it can be difficult, but you did an awesome workout!!
I always feel weird on that thigh machine, I’m like WHOA there! lol!
I always feel weird on it too, especially when a piece of eye candy is nearby. Imagine how weird I felt taking a PICTURE of myself on that thigh machine 😉
Love the lazy girl workout- I have to have magazines and tv to get through an hour on the elliptical! 🙂
haha, i love this post. I think this is the reason why I don’t run or work out at night – I’d never find the motivation! I usually don’t feel lazy first thing in the morning, but at night, I heart my couch.
ha I love it!!! I always end up putting extra time into my workout when I want to finish a show.
Your yogurt looks amazing by the way
I know. TV is really a good motivator when you don’t want to work out! Yes that yogurt is from Tasti-D-Lite. It’s a New York staple. Places like 16 Handles and Pinkberry have kind of taken over in terms of ruling the fro yo landscape. However, I always enjoy some of the classic Tasti D every now and then. They’ve mastered the art of sprinkles coating.
Hilarious-We all have those days.
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