Forgive me readers/friends, for I have sinned.
It’s been 10 days since my last blog post.
And I feel pretty bad about it. I felt so guilty that I had to distract myself with a giant lollipop…
But, please loyal (hopefully) readers, you’ll have to forgive me, as I’ve been a bit busy with work. Oh, and that job of mine forced me to travel across the country and stay at a stunning hotel on the ocean. And then spend a few days in Las Vegas (but we’ll get to that adventure in another post).So, in between the conference calls and hard work (trust me, there was a lot), I spent every spare moment by the beach or soaking up the beautiful California weather. Thus, the explanation for not writing. Any second spent indoors was a second wasted…So, do you forgive me?
Don’t worry, I’ll make up for lost time with a length, yet hilarious and engaging post. You’re welcome.
My Los Angeles Alarm Clock
I only had a total of four mornings in LA (we went to San Diego for an overnight trip and a work event in the middle of the week), so I was determined to make every morning count.
In fact, no matter what time I scheduled my wakeup call, my body woke me up every single morning at 5:00. It was as if it was telling me, “You must spend as much time as humanly possible on the beach.”
So, I developed a bit of a routine.
First, I’d go downstairs and get some of the hotel coffee. Then, I’d go upstairs and connect with my New York coworkers, who were just getting into the office.
It was nice to be able to get on the same page as everyone before I even finished my morning cup of coffee.
Stress level in LA, despite numerous projects = low. Perhaps, I should consider a move?
After sending a few emails, I’d leave for my morning run, just as the sun was rising.
Words cannot describe. So I’ll let the pictures do the talking.

Imagine waking up each day with this as your backyard...I didn't even have to be a good photographer - the landscape made it easy!
I’d run about 3 miles towards the hills, literally in disbelief every moment that I was staring at this.
Central Park is remarkable and the skyline views are undeniably gorgeous. But this…this was breathtaking.
I’d run along the path for a bit, and then I’d run right up next to the water. So close sometimes that the water would seep into my shoes! Oooops. Oh well. A little ocean water never hurt anybody 😉
On my last morning in LA, I spent roughly 90 minutes on the beach. Most of the time I was running, but the rest of the time, I was snapping geeky photos of myself.
Why? Because literally no one was around.
You see, unlike Central Park, this beach was almost deserted. I don’t mind the crowded paths of Central Park, but this kind of seclusion was refreshing.

What does a Sometimes Healthy Girl do in the sand when no one is watching? Draw smiley crazy. so bold.
I’m a music girl, but many times I just had to shut it off. It’s not often you get the chance to hear waves crashing and absolutely no other noise.
During these morning runs, I actually did quite a bit of introspective thinking. I know, I know. Cliche. But, the immense happiness I felt being away from NYC confused me a bit and caught me off guard. Was I happy for a break in the routine, or was I actually happy to escape the Big City? I didn’t come to a conclusion, but sometimes it’s all about thinking. You don’t always need the answer right away.

Aerosmith said it best. "Life's a Journey, Not a Destination." Sometimes you'll run by seagulls and ferris wheels on said journey.
After the refreshing run, I’d do a few situps and check-out some workouts from Fitness magazine on my new iPad (thanks dad!).
Then, it was off to the office to work, work work. Oh, and eat fro yo.
And of course sample the area’s fine cuisine.
And finally, force my coworkers to act like tourists with me while posing in front of a major Hollywood premiere with a cookie sandwich. Yep, the LA office L-O-V-E’d me.
I even had a few cocktails here and there.
Then, there was the hotel.
Am I Dreaming?
Our company happens to get a very good rate with a rather swanky hotel, Shutters on the Beach. I had heard rumors that it was something special, but nothing could prepare me for what I saw when we finally got there.
It looked just like a bed and breakfast, but on a bit of a larger, fancier scale. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t really inside my tiny studio apartment in NYC dreaming about staying in a little palace on the beach.
The outside was pretty spectacular, but nothing could prepare me for what lay behind the closed doors of my hotel room.
I felt like the awkward Anne Hathaway in Princess Diaries when she finds out she’s not really a dorky, unfortunate teenager, but actually a princess.
Okay, perhaps that’s a touch dramatic. Maybe more like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman sans the prostitute storyline. Whatever the case, I definitely didn’t feel deserving of this grand hotel room.
Luckily, I’m adaptable, so you know, I figured out a way to “deal with it.”
I think the best part of the room was the giant whirlpool.
Although, not far behind was the not-to-shabby view of the pool and ocean.
And of course, all of the little touches that made it unique.
The preppy, classic nautical vibe made me feel like I was in the Hamptons…only not the way I did the Hamptons back in the summer of 2009 (cramming 10 people into a crappy house and drinking cheep beer all day and night) – the way the wealthy grown-ups do it.
Classay all the way.
Making my Own “Friendly Skies”
Speaking of classy, not sure if you remember from my April trip to Texas for a friend’s Indian wedding, but this Sometimes Healthy Girl has a huge fear of flying.
So, naturally, you would have thought two cross-country flights plus a mini-flight to Vegas would be too much to handle…
Yet, somehow, I managed quite easily I must say. I’d love to tell you it was sheer strength and willpower, but I had a little bit of help. Well, actually a lot of help from my little friend. Mr. Vino.

I get by with some help from my friends! Sorry I didn't take pics in the airport...I was too busy drinking.
Wine = Temporary Cure for Fear of Flying.
I can’t believe people spend so much money on therapy and drugs to ease their flying fears when all they really need is the 7 dollar glass of the airport’s finest house wine.
Indeed, the skies were very friendly for all legs of my trip, and I have no doubt the wine played a huge role in calming nerves. The flights were all relatively smooth, with the exception of the flight back to NY, where we encountered choppy air above, of all places, my dear home, Nebraska. Go figure.
In all seriousness, this trip was good very me in so many ways, both professionally and personally. Professionally, I was able to work on events that will enable me to advance my career. Over the course of the 10 days, I learned a lot about my strengths and weakness and met a ton of new people.

Jamie on the, I'm not a reporter...I just played one to help create this video. Lesson learned? Broadcast journalism is not in my future.
Personally, I was able to take a bit of time, throughout all the traveling to think about what makes me happy and where I want to be in a few years (that doesn’t mean I’m not as confused as ever, but let’s be honest, that’s what the 20’s are for anyway).
I also proved to myself that I can overcome any obstacle. I may joke about flying fear, but it’s real, and it’s always held me back from truly traveling wherever I wanted.
But thanks to this little business trip and too many a few glasses of wine, I feel like I can finally go to the places I’ve always wanted to see. It’s liberating!

I'm queen of the WORLD! I can go anywhere. PS - have never put so many pictures of myself in a post. I feel like a narcissist.
And that concludes the cheesy portion of this post…in fact, that concludes this whole post!
Again, apologies for the disappearing act – sometimes a girl’s gotta let loose and fly by the seat of her pants. Hopefully the little breather will result in some compelling content.
Up next: Sometimes Healthy Girl Does Vegas…
Where should I travel next? Give me ideas – I’m thinking somewhere in Europe but the vacation days are scarce so must be choosy!
If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Ideal city: LA or New York?
ahhh lucky duck!
Uhh, I am positively jealous! Sounds like you had a great time…it is always nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of things! I think being in a beautiful environment helps with the stress–I remember I had to take an exam while I was vacationing in Mexico and I ended up acing it. Sitting on the balcony, looking out at a gorgeous sunset, and drinking a beer definitely helped! 😉
NYC all the way! Can’t beat the concrete jungle where dreams are made of (oh yeah, I just said that).
You should go to Courmayeur, Italy at the base of Mont Blanc to ski OR to Sorrento, Italy – you can take a day trip from there to Capri. Its awesome.
Ohhh I like your style. This all sounds fantastic! Now I just need to actually find the time for a vacation 🙂
This post reminds me of a Nicholas Sparks book. Next time you should go to some small B&B off the coast of North Carolina and fall in love. I’m jealous of your hotel on the beach. I’ll be in Cali next week, but nowhere near the beach 🙁
Nicholas Sparks, although not my style, is a very talented writer. So, thank you for the compliment my friend. Love how romantic your getting on me. Hope you enjoyed your time in Cali!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures – they definitely show how much fun you had! I love california – it’s so beautiful and you don’t even hate to leave the country to enjoy the Caribbean like beaches. Especially in Malibu! Hopefully within the next year, I’ll be a Californian myself 🙂
Ohhhh you lucky girl! I will come visit.
I love your pictures and post!:P
i LOVE all the pics! um, there’s nothing wrong with taking a million pics of yourself in amazing places doing amazing things! seriously, santa monica is my favorite place. i decided to go out and visit my friend, rented a 2 bedroom house, and took my dad along with me because he’s always wanted to go to california. he loved it! it’s so beauitul and bikie riding along that path with my dad behind me is one of my favorite memories ever (i push out the part where my dad’s tire blew out and he had to walk his bike a mile back hahah). being there definitely made me reconsider my future. i just need to figure out how to afford it!
i read all about shutters on the beach as i was planning my vacation. beautiful!!! that is so fantastic. looks like you had a great time! HOWEVER i think yogurtland is the best ;)!
That sounds like such a perfect time. And how nice of you to take dad with. I’m with ya on the “affording it” part. If only money grew on trees. Sighhhh.
You shouldn’t feel bad about it at all! You were having a blast! 🙂
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