Oh hello there and Happy New Year! Remember me? I’m going to pretend we spoke just yesterday so I don’t have to get into a lengthy explanation about my why I’ve been absent from the Sometimes Healthy Living blog.
I’ve had men play that card on me before, and I’ve let them get away with it…so if you could just do the same, that would be great. Thanks loyal readers – you’re the best ;-)!
In other news, I had the entire week off from work in between Christmas and New Year’s. Now you’re really pissed at me for not writing right? But then again, here I am at work today, and the rest of the world, including the postman is not. Sigh.
But I swear was extremely busy (ish) during my week off – thus completely validating my radio silence. Here’s a quick rundown, in pictures and minimal words, a clear departure from my normal novel-length posts.
A Sometimes Healthy Staycation
Last Thursday night, I celebrated Chrismukkah with another special fellow Jew and we did Jewish things…like light the candles.

Look mom, I celebrated Hanukkah! This is the first time I have lit those suckers since the 90's. You're welcome mom.
And exchange presents.
And eat Jewish food (homemade brisket…you know I wasn’t responsible for this, so go ahead, start guessing who was.)
On Christmas Eve, I did the Jewish thing and went to see a movie. We were two of four people in the theater. We saw New Year’s Eve…Some parts were so cheesy that I cringed.
I also made these extra special Christmas Cupcake Cones…because most Jews really just want to be a part of Christmas and making Christmas-themed baked goods makes us feel like we’re right there with the rest of the world.
I simply mixed confetti cake, threw it in some cones and topped with rainbow chips frosting, red/green sugar and, of course a cherry on the top.
I spent Christmas with some more special people…
And, then we did this.
But the best part of Christmas? Some very special people got me THIS.
So, I spent the entire morning the very next day making Pancake Pops.
Bacon Maple Brown Sugar Pancake Pops
Peanut Butter Banana Pancake Pops
Sprinkle Coconut Pancake Pops
Put it all together and what do you get?
A whole lotta’ Pancake Pops!
I do believe this cake pop maker is the definition of the gift that keeps on giving.
And it sure, kept on giving…all the way through the New Year.
I made Dark Chocolate Covered Cherry and Yellow Cake Pops
I added in the eggs and oil and then simply divided the yellow cake batter into two bowls.
I subbed in 1/2 cup maraschino cherry juice + 1/2 cup chopped maraschino cherries to the cherry cake pop mix and left the yellow mix the same.
Into the cake pop maker they went…until I had way more cake pops than I knew what to do with.
So, as they cooled off, I melted some dark chocolate for some dippin’. (Dark Chocolate is Sometimes Healthy ;-))
We melted the chocolate over a candle…so it took quite a while. Luckily, I had some beverages to keep me company while I churned the chocolate like a pioneer.
After 30 minutes or so, the chocolate had finally melted so the sprinkle-dipping could commence.
This was my favorite part, of course.
But, I got so caught up in the moment I forgot that I had no place to dry my lovely cake pops…that’s where the empty beer bottles came in handy…
Voila – New Year’s Eve Cake Pops!
A couple of other important highlights from my week of vacation bliss…(organized by Healthy/Sometimes Healthy)
Sometimes Healthy: I discovered a cool new hot chocolate.
Ticket Kitchen’s Hot Chocolate Ticket Stick. Lollipop-like blocks of chocolate that turn into delicious, creamy hot chocolate when you stir em’ in milk. Sure, you have to stand over the stove and stir until all the chocolate melts off of that stick…but if you have someone special to talk to, the time will fly by. Plus, as they say on their website, “We can’t help feel that the stirring adds to the experience, soothing you over while building up anticipation for that first sip.” I like the simplicity of the idea, and I loved the hot chocolate – check out the website – they make a great gift!
Healthy: I learned that running isn’t the only way to stay in shape.
I’m not exactly in my best running shape right now, and although I did squeeze a few runs in over the break, they weren’t exactly stellar. But, a few days, we found some other ways to get in some activity. Like hiking to pretty viewpoints in upstate New York.
And ice skating in central park. (with hot chocolate as fuel of course)
Sometimes Healthy: I ate lunch at a candystore…and ordered a Fluffernutter Sandwich with sprinkles, bananas and graham crackers.
Remember how I told you about Fluffernutter day at work? Well, now the happiest place in New York City (Dylan’s Candy Bar) offers a “Make-your-Own” Fluffernutter Sandwich bar called “Nutty Jammy Fluffy.” Along with the other 5-year-old’s at Dylan’s Candy Bar’s cafe, I too was in heaven.
Healthy: I challenged myself by running with others.
I’ve always taken pride in the fact that I can motivate myself to run alone for 3.5 hours straight. But, in actuality, I choose to run alone because it’s easier. When you run with people/animals that are faster than you, you too must run faster. Strange how that works. So, over the break, I ran with faster people and dogs – their fast pace made me feel slow and this made me suck it up to run faster. All good things – this may be in my plan for 2012 training.
Healthy: I thought about my fitness and blog goals.
Notice I didn’t say I “made” these goals. I’ve never been one for the whole New Year’s Resolution thing, but I do believe in having something to work towards. I also hesitate to make a goal without a very solid action plan to avoid setting myself up for failure. Because failure kind of sucks.
So, because I spent the week enjoying myself, I wasn’t able to develop my action plan. I know that I’m currently less-than-satisfied with both my fitness level and the content of my blog. But, I’m not sure about the specifics of my goals for either.
In terms of my blog, I’d like to have more fitness-related posts. I’d like the content to be a more even mix of sweet treats and healthy living…not 90% cupcakes and 5% donuts and 5% cake pops.
For fitness, I’d like to make my way back to considering myself a “runner.” In 2011, I beat my fastest marathon time by 30 minutes. That was quite a feeling.
But then I hurt myself and fell into some bad habits. To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I had a great run. I can’t blame it all on my foot, though. I need to eat right, sleep well and hydrate properly in order to get close to that level of running.
So, as I work through how to do all that on a consistent basis, I‘ll start with keeping better track of my running. Enter Daily Mile.
I always thought it was kind of pointless, but considering how far off-track I’ve gotten with the whole running thing, I think this little application could be useful. Here’s my first entry about my New Year’s Eve day run…
Lesson Number 1 in setting goals – keeping track of things makes you hold yourself accountable. And when you hold yourself accountable, you’re more likely to achieve your goals.
Now I just need to figure out what those goals are…stay tuned. Happy New Year everyone!
Help me…help myself. What would you suggest for goals for my blog? What about running? What are some of your goals?
I haven’t had cupcake cones in FOREVER! I need to make those! I received a cakepop maker for Christmas and I thought of you when I opened it up! 🙂 Next time I’m in the city, I need to make a fluffernutter at DCB!
SO happy you enjoyed your time off & disconnected over break. Send me some of those cake pops! Miss you and hope 2012 is a good year for you.
PS- I spy the word “boyfriend” in your Daily Mile entry. Update?!
I recently tried to make cakepops and it came out pretty good. Those deserts look great!
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