Girl vs. Spaghetti Squash – Round 2: Nach-yo Typical Spag Squash

Sunday Grocery Run: Notice the spaghetti squash trying to hide from me!

This past Sunday, I was a very ambitious little Sometimes Healthy girl. I planned out ALL of my meals for the week and set a budget for grocery shopping that would hopefully ensure I stayed on track for the Budget Diet all week. If you think that I stuck to the plan, then you clearly don’t me that well yet. Don’t worry – you’ll figure it our soon enough. Anyway, I’ll recap my meal prep and shopping spree in a later post about lessons learned on the budget diet thus far. But for now, let’s talk spaghetti squash! I bought it along with my other groceries on Sunday and couldn’t wait to get a little creative with my fave yellow vegetable that looks like a volleyball. As you recall, I had always been very intimidated by the spag squash, but a few weeks ago (girl vs. spaghetti squash round 1) I finally gave it a shot. And it was mmm mmm good.

This time around, the squash was HUGE. I had to attack it with the knife, to ensure it had lots of room to breathe while cooking in the microwave. Continue Reading →

Grill It! With Sometimes Healthy Girl

Summer Summer Summertime,

Time to sit back and unwind…. (CLICK HERE to play this song)

Forget Bobby Flay - You've Got ME!

This “classic” song has been playing in my head lately…Okay, I suppose it’s not yet summer or even close to it for that matter. BUT, two days of close to 80 degrees temp in NYC, combined with a weekend in Texas, had me feeling that summertime vibe. And then I started thinking about grilling.

Then I remembered that I live in NYC, not Omaha, and I cannot just throw a burger on the grill whenever my heart desires. Oh, and the fact that this Sometimes Healthy Girl couldn’t cook a good burger to save her life (or any other slab of meat for that matter). So what’s a girl to do when she’s lacking a grill AND grill skill. Well, she breaks out the Foreman Grill and goes to town… Continue Reading →

And I Gotta Say, Today was a Good Day

Bye bye April Showers - helloooo sunshine! My walk to the gym was bliss

From country music on Friday, to a little bit of old school rap on this beautiful Sunday here in NYC. If you’ve never heard Ice Cube’s “It was a Good Day,” please check out the link at the bottom of this post. Rap music doesn’t always run deep (and neither does country), but sometimes it just captures my mood so perfectly. This song is as simple as it sounds: It’s about a good day; one of those days where everything just runs smoothly and it’s all good :-).

Well, as my friend Ice Cube put it so eloquently back in 1995, “Today was a Good Day” here in NYC. The rain and clouds cleared away from yesterday and brought lots of sunshine and surprises.

Started out the day with a walk and some kickboxing (my version of yoga), moved onto a little whiffle ball, got a little starstruck, enjoyed a bit of pampering and finally rounded it ALL out with a delicious Italian dinner.

Here’s the short recap. Continue Reading →

Kitchen Sink Salad- Thanksgiving Style

Wish I had time to make this...but I'll settle for the Kitchen Sink Salad version 😉

Nope, it’s not a typo, you read it right. Tonight I was craving another Kitchen Sink Salad, but with a Thanksgiving twist. I don’t know what it is about Mondays and giant salads, but this appears to be a consistent pattern for me. I think there are 2 reasons for this: a) I’m usually tired on Mondays and b) I crave something healthy after a weekend of Sometimes Healthy or just plain UNhealthy meals.

True, an Easter Egg Salad might have been more appropriate (still coming), but hey, if you can have Christmas in July, why not Thanksgiving in April? I got my “inspiration” for this salad back when I worked in Chicago and and enjoyed the perks of a giant salad bar in the building next door. I developed all sorts of creations in this salad mecca, and every now and then I recreate them. Continue Reading →

A New Yorker’s Kitchen Sink Dinner and the Forbidden Fruit

Hope everyone had a tolerable Monday :-). It was a long day at work for me so I’ll be watching the b-ball game from the comfort of my cozy little apartment. GOOOO Bulldogs!!

Unfortunately, I find myself getting home from work relatively late at least a couple nights a week. And pretty much all I want to do once I walk in that door is turn on some quality television (you know Real Housewives, Bachelor, etc.), eat something easy and go to bed. Tonight was certainly one of those nights!

Read on to see a New Yorker’s Mexican Kitchen Sink Dinner Continue Reading →