Things I’m Loving: The New Year’s Resolution Edition

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly behind in life?

Who am I kidding? We all feel that way most of the time. The older you get, the more responsibilities you have, and the more responsibilities you have, the more you need to be what they call an “adult” and prioritize, AND the more your prioritize certain things, the more other things go on the back burner and become the “I’ll get back to that when I have the time” things. Such is life.

I’m fairly certain that the last time I didn’t feel behind was in 6th grade where the most stressful thing on my agenda was choreographing my Bryan Adams lip synching skit for the talent show. (Yes, that happened. It was a “dramatic interpretation of the hit ballad “Everything I Do, I Do it for You,” and I absolutely received a standing ovation).

Anyway, here we are in the second week of January, and I have yet to get started on formulating my New Year’s Resolutions. I realize that resolutions aren’t for everyone, but, if you haven’t noticed from some of my posts, my life has been a bit out of sorts for the last few months. I could definitely use an excuse to start getting my s*** together.

Alas, I find myself behind. I’m not ready to put the pen to the paper yet, so instead, I’ve been packing my Pinterest board with healthy recipes, workouts, organizational ideas and other items that will help me be a better “me” in 2014.

According to a Harris Poll, here are the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Americans:


None of these resolutions are too surprising, and I myself identify with each and every one of them, except for #1 and #7. In fact, I’m sure they’ll be on my list in some shape or form. So, in the spirit of the most common resolutions, this “Things I’m Loving” Edition is dedicated to items geared towards helping us out in these ever-popular self-improvement categories. Get ready to “Pin” away!

Let’s start with my favorite resolution of all…. Continue Reading →

Last Night, I Went to the GYM!

BREAKING NEWS: I went to the gym! I also sweat the gym.

Last night, I went to the gym.

If that’s not a captivating subject line, I don’t know what is. A healthy living blogger going to the gym? That is certainly headline news. It’s not like most of us don’t do it every day right?

Well, for me, I felt like going to the gym last night was an accomplishment to be celebrated. Why? Because I had an arsenal of excuses that I could have used to NOT go.

  • I was tired from traveling, drinking (too much in Nebraska) and getting in late on Monday night.
  • I was feeling a little homesick.
  • I didn’t get much downtime on on my vacation, worked late on Monday night and deserved a little “Sometimes Healthy” date with the Couch Monster.
  • I needed more sleep!

Dazed and Confused

I intended to workout yesterday morning but, even though I woke up early, I just wasn’t up for the challenge. Continue Reading →

Lunch Envy and the Trainer Tune Up

Lunch Envy [luhnch] [en-vee]


A feeling of covetousness, longing and admiration with regards to your co-worker’s mid-day meal

“Lunch envy” was rampant here in the office today. Word got out about my Around the World Egg Muffins and no fuss sweet potato hash browns and everyone wanted a taste. Apparently 17 muffins wasn’t enough 😉 

Delicious leftovers served on a beautiful paper plate

While they tasted delish all warm and steamy last night, I must say I prefer them cold. The flavors really set in overnight, especially with the Mexicali. Yummy! The Denver Muffin even tasted better today. I nibbled on the sweet potato hash browns all morning but still left a few for lunch. Again, these were even better today, because I could really taste that cinnamon and sugar. I really think that Egg Muffins may surpass pizza as best-tasting cold leftovers 😉

The Morning Tune-Up

This morning I switched it up a bit and met with a trainer at my gym for a little “tune-up.” Obviously, as a New Yorker who works in PR, I cannot afford to go to a trainer very often. Continue Reading →

Turn that Monday Frown Upside Down!

I’d say “Happy Monday” but that just feels so…wrong. Let’s face it, even if you’re lucky enough to have your dream job, Mondays are just plain daunting. If you’re reading my blog, you’re probably just like me (although probably not NEARLY as disorganized): your schedule during the week is absolutely packed and by Friday you’re completely wiped.

So I always try to start my week off with a nice lil morning workout and  a good breakfast. (Please note: This does not always happen) Continue Reading →