Theme Song Thursdays AND my First Giveaway!

Hello to all the new readers of the Sometimes Healthy Living blog! I’ve seen a lot of you since yesterday’s guest post on “I’m an Okie.” Thanks for stopping by! Sit down and stay awhile…pretty please šŸ˜‰

Happy Music = Healthy Living?

Believe it or not, I think a huge part of “healthy living” is music. As I mentioned last week, sometimes all it takes is one good tune, and this Sometimes Healthy Girl’s mood can go from zero to hero in 60 seconds. That doesn’t mean that someone who doesn’t listen to music isn’t healthy. It also doesn’t mean that in order to be healthy, one should walk around all day humming the theme song from Barney. It just means that music can take us all to a “happy place” and happy = healthy.

Additionally, a couple weeks ago, I posted about Zooey Deschanel’s statement in SELF magazine that everyone needs a life theme song. I thoroughly enjoyed the comments from that post about your life theme songs, as well as comments from last week’s post. So that’s why, moving forward I’m instituting a Thursday Theme Song day, where I share a song that either describes my day OR puts me in a good mood. Continue Reading →

A Sometimes Healthy Morning Routine (Sometimes)

Up and at em!

Am I the only one that finds it absolutely fascinating to glimpse into other people’s morning routines? There is something so intriguing to me in learning about how someone else balances it all in the AM. Julie’s routine, for instance, amazes me nearly every day. That girl fits in so much in a short span of time! Gym, dog walking, making an attractive and tasty breakfast, and finally making herself look fabulous (although I doubt it takes much ;-)). Please read her post for tips on streamlining the routine, because let me tell ya, I still haven’t figured it out!

My interest in reading about her routine led me to believe some might be interested in the typical morning for a 20-something New York girl who TRIES to be healthy. Please note: Today’s routine does not always happen. There are many days where I get home too late to wake up at such an early hour or days that I just don’t feel like waking up. Also, when I do fit it in, I’m generally 10-15 minutes behind schedule and running around frantically. But, here’s how it all went down this morning…. Continue Reading →