Healthified Cupcakes for my Intern

Yesterday was my intern, Malia’s, last day at the office, so, as I often do on special occasions, I went overboard. Way overboard.

Here’s what my kitchen looked on Tuesday night.

One intern departure = 24 ginormous cupcakes and pretty cinnamon rolls

I went into the store with intentions of making the ever-popular chocolate + applesauce cupcake couple that was such a big hit with the coworkers last time around. But then, the strawberry cake mix caught my eye, and I just couldn’t resist the idea of some pretty pink cupcakes.

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Last Night, I Went to the GYM!

BREAKING NEWS: I went to the gym! I also sweat the gym.

Last night, I went to the gym.

If that’s not a captivating subject line, I don’t know what is. A healthy living blogger going to the gym? That is certainly headline news. It’s not like most of us don’t do it every day right?

Well, for me, I felt like going to the gym last night was an accomplishment to be celebrated. Why? Because I had an arsenal of excuses that I could have used to NOT go.

  • I was tired from traveling, drinking (too much in Nebraska) and getting in late on Monday night.
  • I was feeling a little homesick.
  • I didn’t get much downtime on on my vacation, worked late on Monday night and deserved a little “Sometimes Healthy” date with the Couch Monster.
  • I needed more sleep!

Dazed and Confused

I intended to workout yesterday morning but, even though I woke up early, I just wasn’t up for the challenge. Continue Reading →