Turn that Monday Frown Upside Down: The 2nd Edition

The sun wasn’t exactly shining here in the big Apple this morning, but it was warm. I took advantage of the warm weather with a 6 mile jog in Central Park

Gotham City!

Don’t the clouds look kind of cool? I still can’t believe I get to run here every day. Followed the run with a delicious bowl of oatmeal. Sorry I didn’t take a picture – it was just two packets of instant oatmeal, apples and cinnamon. Plus I put it in a paper cup – didn’t think it wouldย  be too interesting for anyone! I’ll try to make up for it with a new oatmeal recipe tomorrow morning. Stay tuned!

Now, on to reasons to turn that Monday frown upside down:

Notice anything different? Yes, I’m sure you’re a loyal follower of my blog and you check back by the minute to see any new developments in my always-exciting life, so therefore, you would of course notice the word cloud widget on the right-hand column! For those of you who don’t know, a word cloud represents the topics that are discussed most in a blog or a web page….

  1. Word Cloud Fun: Well, take a look. Reason #1 to turn that Monday Frown Upside Down: The biggest words in my cloud are the following: “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.” Proof that this definitely is a SOMETIMES Healthy Living Blog, considering my hottest topic is chemically over-processed butter spray. I find that sort of hilarious, and I hope you do too. Embrace the imperfections, people.
  2. The Soap Fairy: I always say it’s the little things that make my day a little brighter. Case in point: The Soap Fairy at my office. Somebody takes it upon themselves to put flavorful soap in our office bathroom every month, so that we don’t have to use the gross-smelling generic stuff. That makes me smile on Mondays!

    Thank you Soap Fairy - My hands are clean and they smell good

  3. Boston Marathon is One Week Away!: This means we’ll have a bunch of race recaps to read so we’ll be motivated to run more :-). This story about the Boston Marathon really warmed my little heart last year.

Here’s a few other items that are helping me keep my Monday smile bright and shiny (or at least fake it):


What little things lift your spirit on Mondays?

6 Thoughts on “Turn that Monday Frown Upside Down: The 2nd Edition

  1. hey lady! thanks for the inspiration in this post. i wanted to get up and run today too but it didn’t happen. i want to tryyyy running in the AMs instead of all PMs. i give you so much credit! 6 mi before the sun comes up??? damn! and yes, i love central park. those hills have served me well ๐Ÿ™‚

    -keeping my spirit alive today: maxi dress, a great race yesterday, good food today, warm weather + a run tonight = happiness!


  2. aww thanks 4 the mention! I’m jealous… I ran through central park on vacation last year, and it was so much fun!

  3. Wooohoo, I ran 6 miles in CP this morning too. I wish it was a bit warmer but the mist was soothing ๐Ÿ™‚ I cannot wait for more 16 Handles!

  4. I think it is SO cool that you get to run in Central Park every day too ๐Ÿ™‚
    ..can’t say that I’m not just a tad bit jealous ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Haha! That is awesome that you have a ‘soap fairy!’ I think we need one here too!

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