Am I the only one that finds it absolutely fascinating to glimpse into other people’s morning routines? There is something so intriguing to me in learning about how someone else balances it all in the AM. Julie’s routine, for instance, amazes me nearly every day. That girl fits in so much in a short span of time! Gym, dog walking, making an attractive and tasty breakfast, and finally making herself look fabulous (although I doubt it takes much ;-)). Please read her post for tips on streamlining the routine, because let me tell ya, I still haven’t figured it out!
My interest in reading about her routine led me to believe some might be interested in the typical morning for a 20-something New York girl who TRIES to be healthy. Please note: Today’s routine does not always happen. There are many days where I get home too late to wake up at such an early hour or days that I just don’t feel like waking up. Also, when I do fit it in, I’m generally 10-15 minutes behind schedule and running around frantically. But, here’s how it all went down this morning….
How a Sometimes Healthy Girl Does Her Mornings
After snoozing her alarm twice, she wakes up out of bed and brews a cup of coffee for a much-needed caffeine boost before her workout. No fancy coffees for this girl, she sticks to the classics.
Next, she quickly sips the coffee while reading her favorite running blogs for a little motivation to make her run extra fast. She also listens to Pandora as she readies herself to work out. (Check out the Boyz II Men station; I just discovered it and it brings me back to middle school!)
Due to rainy weather, she cannot run outside….
Unfortunately, she doesn’t have an excuse, because she’s lucky enough to have a small gym in her building. After procrastinating by reading her “inspiration” blogs and rocking out to Boyz II Men, she finally heads to the building gym and pounds out 6 miles in 52 minutes, while listening to rap music that is entirely too hardcore for her. She is so proud that she takes a picture of this, and since the gym is so tiny, the only other person in the gym gives her an extremely puzzled look…
Next, she heads upstairs for some quick abs/push-ups.
She even has enough time to make a little breakfast sandwich (but unfortunately not do her hair!) Breakfast Sandwich = Thomas English Muffin, Egg Beaters (cooked by way of mug in microwave), shredded cheddar/mozzarella cheese and honey mustard for tang. Sadly, she is running late (per usual) so must pack up the sandwich to eat at work.
She walks 15 minutes in more rainy NYC weather to the crowded subway stop.

Yesterday's rainy walk (sorry I didn't have enough time to load today's -it was the same thing but lighter outside :-))
Finally three hours after waking up, she arrives at work with a smile on her face (endorphins) and a tasty breakfast sandwich to enjoy. (Not pictured: giant crowd of kids on field trip that got on her subway stop at 59th street and scrunched her in so tightly she could barely breathe :-))
Hope you enjoyed reading about my morning routine! Back to work now in the midst of a very busy day. I have set a deadline to make it out of here in time to watch American Idol! (Yes, I watch lots of cheesy reality television – hey, down time is ALWAYS healthy!)
Is your morning routine jam packed? Any tips on how to streamline?
I totally admire you *cough* nutters who can get up on a morning and jam a workout in!
My workout is coffee to face and back down again, repeat.
Love the NYC pics 😀
hahaha love it. No worries – sometimes that’s my workout too. Thanks for reading!
Hey Jamie!
First I wanted to say how much I love the title of your blog, makes me smile 🙂
And good for you changing it up and running six miles this morning! It definitely takes a lot to get moving, but once you do and are done for the day, the elated feeling is indescribable. At least that’s what I tell myself when I am dragging myself out of my bed in the morning 😉
Your site looks great! I can’t wait to continue reading
I’m glad you like the title! I thought it describes me well 🙂 Love love your blog too!
Yeah I’m usually able to drag myself out of bed 3 days out of the week, but a couple of days a week, I just need my sleep! Thanks again for reading! I’m definitely going to continue reading yours as well!
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