Kitch -inspiration [kich-uhn- spuh-rey-shuh
An influx of unusual activity or creativity in one’s kitchen brought on by a change in circumstances, a new project or simply a culinary awakening. This activity defies normal roadblocks, such as a tiny kitchen space, a sink full of dishes or even sleep deprivation. May result in recipes and wacky food combos running through one’s mind at all hours of the night. One may need to distract herself with movies she has seen hundreds of times in order to turn off said creativity and fall asleep.
As I mentioned last week, I’ve decided that every Wednesday will now be “Word Up Wednesday” where I’ll devote a post to a “new” word of the day. Last week, I introduced you to the couch monster. And this week, let’s talk about Kitch-inspiration:
I’ve been feeling a lot of Kitch-inspiration this week, especially since implementing the Budget Diet Challenge. $100 is not a lot of money for this grocery-shopping obsessed girl with an undying loyalty towards overpriced bottles of butter spray and pre-cut veggies. My heart sinks a little bit every time I pass a grocery store, deli or fro-yo shop (which happens about once every twenty seconds on a regular NYC block.)
But, luckily, this challenge has forced me to get creative with my food choices by actually using all of the food in kitchen, versus forgetting about most of it and letting it all expire. My kitchen may be small, but as I’ve mentioned before, it’s mighty!
I pack a lot into a small space.
Including lots of pickles.
Thankfully, Snooki gave me the kitch-inspiration to make Healthified Fried Pickles on Monday.
Now I’ve only got 4 jars of pickles to use up. Thanks Snookers!
My kitch-inspiration has also reminded me to make good use of secret kitchen weapons, such as the Foreman.
Kitch-inspiration has made packing my lunch quiet an interesting experience every morning. Check out today’s spread.
Thank you Sometimes Healthy Mom for stocking my pantry with tons of tuna when you came to visit. You’ve ensured that I’ll always have my protein, even on a small budget.
And finally, Kitch-in-spiration has reminded me to resort back to my faithful Wacky Food Combos.
I’m hoping Kitch-inspiration will help me come up with some creative ways to celebrate Cinco de Mayo tomorrow…Stay tuned!
Any cheap and easy recipe secrets for Cinco de Mayo?
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