Good afternoon, my friends! Hope you’re enjoying your weekend! Do I sound a bit chipper to you?
You may remember a while back I did a post about the average hours celebrities sleep, based on an article from People. In short, Ryan Reynolds doesn’t sleep and Heidi Klum sleeps apparently an average of 10 hours a night. Something tells me Ms. Klum is exaggerating, but that is not the point of this post…
Guess what?! Last night I slept as much as Heidi Klum!
That’s right, I went to bed at 8:00! Well, okay, I watched Felicity (most underrated show ever) in bed for 1 hour and then fell asleep at 9:00. I’m anticipating a busy July at work, so I’m trying to fit in extra sleep whenever I can. This Sometimes Healthy Girl may be living in the city that never sleeps, but that doesn’t mean she can’t sneak in a few extra z’s every now and then.
A New Sometimes Healthy Girl
This morning, I woke up bright and early at 7 am feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to run! Sometimes I feel like the entire second half of my week is spent in a fog of tiredness, so it was a pleasant change to have a bit of energy this beautiful Saturday morning.
And wow, a girl can sure accomplish a lot with a couple extra hours of sleep.
I invented a new form of Oats in a Jar. HOIAJ – Hour Oats in a Jar.
In my rush to get to bed last night, I completely forgot my plans to make Overnight Oats in a Jar. So this morning, right when I woke up, I threw 1/4 cup almond milk, 1/4 cup pumpkin, 1 packet of instant oats in a jar, along with some cinnamon and sugar. Then I threw it in the fridge. An hour later, I had creamy, delicious, pumpkiny Oats in a Jar. The flavors hadn’t settled in as much as they do in Overnight Oats, but still, I was pleasantly surprised with this combo!
While I waited for my oats to settle, I grabbed my traditional DD “giant iced coffee bigger than my hand.”
Iced coffee is definitely this Sometimes Healthy Girl’s summertime accessory.
I danced around in my kitchen, while doing the dishes.
If I’m going to clean, I might as well have a little fun. For the record, here is my song of choice for the moment.
I iced my achy foot.

Ignore the fuzzies on my socks. The dryer was slightly "off" on its last cycle. Sometimes Healthy, Always Breaking Things.
I caught up on all of my favorite blogs.
I also worked on a guest post for one of my FAVORITE bloggers.
Won’t give away the topic subject, but to give you a hint, you might see this picture of an awkward 10-year-old Sometimes Healthy Girl in the post.
Get excited!
Finally, around 9:30, I headed out the door for what I HOPED to be a 12 mile run. While I ran, I got to catch the end of the Front Runners Gay Pride Run, which was happening in Central Park. It was so motivating to watch other runners finish a race while I was running right next to them!
And, despite reports of rain, it was a beautiful day for a run.
I Didn’t Get ‘Er Done
But even with the extra sleep, the beautiful weather and the added adrenaline from the race, I couldn’t completely get ‘er done. I ended up running about 8 miles. It was just a little too hot, I was a little too hungry and my foot hurt a little too much. Excuses, excuses.
I hate not finishing runs when I set my mileage, so of course, I immediately called my mother to complain. Her answer? “Oh please Jamie, there are worth things in life.” Followed up by, “Stop complaining about that foot and go to physical therapy.” Mothers DO always know best :-). And sometimes a girl needs a bit of tough love.
So I stopped wallowing in self-pity, grabbed a small snack to refuel and finished off my workout in the gym.
I completed the rest of my run time on the elliptical while catching up on the Kardashians.
There ARE Worse Things in Life
Even though I didn’t finish my run, I’m glad I sucked it up and completed the workout on a positive note. My mother, per usual, is completely right. There are certainly many more worse things in life, and my small foot problem should not hinder my mood.
Not completing a 12 mile run is slightly frustrating for me, considering I was running 18 miles quite easily just 3 months ago. However, a post by the amazing Hungry Runner Girl recently made me rethink my self-pity attitude.
Janae is an incredible runner and by incredible, I mean abnormally, super-humanly fast! She’s also entertaining, hilarious and a brilliant writer. I’d tell you to check out her blog, but you’re probably already reading it ;-).
This year, she was nearing the end of training for the Boston Marathon, when she had to pull out due to a femoral stress fracture. Her positive attitude throughout the recovery process was inspiring and a true testament to her character. However, it was Janae’s recent post about comparing herself to the runner she was before her injury that made me think about my approach to running right now. (Janae, if you read this, can you please give me the link to that post? I couldn’t find it!). It made me realize I need to be grateful for the ability to run at all and comparing myself to Marathon Jamie will only impede my progress.
Even today, around mile 8, as I felt like everyone in the world, including an 80-year-old grandma, was passing me, thinking about Janae’s post helped me put things into perspective. We ALL get stuck in that comparison trap every now and then, but it’s important to remember it’s not only comparing yourself to others that can be harmful, but also, comparing yourself to YOURSELF. Whether it’s your weight or your ability to run an 8 minute mile, self-comparison is never a good thing. So, please, do this Sometimes Healthy Girl a favor and pat yourself on the back for who you are today. Because, I’m sure you’re pretty awesome (obviously you’re a pretty cool person if you’re reading this blog).
And on that positive note, I’m off to pamper myself with a pedicure. My feet clearly need a little L-O-V-E. (Mom, I promise I’ll call the physical therapist this week!)
Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!
Do you ever compare yourself to yourself?
Love the post! I definitely compare myself to myself, but I think I compare myself more to other people- especially when it comes to running. Sometimes I really want to be a runner, and I just can’t do it- it upsets my stomach and kills my But, I do other awesome workouts so I just always have to tell myself that! 🙂 Btw, totally added you to my blogroll earlier!!
Thank you soooo much! That means so so much to me. I love your blog too 🙂
Yes, I’ve seen your workouts and they are awesome! I couldn’t do half of the stuff you do, so you go girl!
ABSOLUTELY! I set my 5k PR in March – then ran 2 half marathons practically back to back (April 9th and May 1st) – then Immediately threw myself into marathon training. I concentrated SO MUCH on my endurance I completely gave up my speed training! I realized recently that I feel like I have been slowing down – I feel like the girl that used to run intervals in the high 7’s was GONE. I got mad at myself (and my friend that has so generously coached me along) for letting the speed training go. Then I suffered a calf injury and a cold that put me out of the game for 3 weeks. I am just now getting back into it – but today, I went out for what was supposed to be an easy 3 miler, and it turned out a 9:22 average pace! That felt EASY. I was so happy to feel my speed returning.
I read Janae’s post today too – she is superhumanly fast, I wanna be like her when I grow up.
hahaha I know Janae is amazing. Her blog is addicting. I look forward to reading it every day. I always save it for when I need a mood boost 🙂
Good for you for getting back to that speedy girl. Give yourself time! I’m soo behind where I used to be, and I’m okay with that. I’m trying to look at it as a fun challenge to get my speed/endurance back. And I’m trying not to get discouraged if it takes a little longer than it might have before. Sounds like you’re doing great though. Good luck!
Sometimes I just have issues with learning when to stop. If I have a goal in mind, I usually suffer through anything to accomplish it and sometimes, often too much, feel the pain afterwords. I need to work on being okay with not accomplishing something I have my mind set out to do.
At least you’re aware of the issue. That’s half the battle! I totally understand where you’re coming from. Yesterday, typically, I would have really been angry at myself for giving up on that run. But, nobody’s perfect and listening to your body does not indicate weakness!
I definitely compare my pre-baby body with my post-baby body. But having a C-Section after being pregnant with twins does not come without a little loose skin/flab around the middle. I can feel those muscles hiding underneath though!
Your post-baby body is amaaazing 🙂 And I’m sure you have abs of steel! I’m just amazed at anyone who can raise twins. I’m so worried I won’t be able to handle one. Mothers like you are my heroes!
That was so nice of you to say! Thank you. 🙂 (I do have abs of steel, they are hiding.)
Another inspiring post from a great writer and even greater daughter. Just be patient and I am sure that in time you will be running as you did prior to the injury. I am so inspired, I think I will sit back and catch the end of the baseball game.
One of these, my post will inspire you to actually PLAY in a baseball game. Or maybe RUN on the treadmill. Just wait. and see!
One of these days, my post will inspire you to actually PLAY in a baseball game. Or maybe RUN on the treadmill. Just wait. and see!
I really like your blog. You crack me up quite a bit, and you have a great voice. Your posts are never dull–I especially like them because they are long compared to the posts on most other blogs! I get my (non) money’s worth!
Thank you SO SO much. That comment made my day! The posts probably take me a little too long to compile, but when I read comments like this, it all seems worth it. Hope you’ll keep reading more!
Are you training for another marathon? Because any “sometimes” healthy person would still consider 8 miles a pretty long run! ha
And I’m pumped someone else enjoyed 10 hours of sleep this weekend (Asleep by 9pm Friday, yeah, that’s me)
We are so cool with our crazy Friday nights ;-). Good point on the 8 miles being a long run! I think I was just disappointed that I set a goal and didn’t meet it. Got to be more realistic with those goals. Thanks to Jimmy Choos’ on the Treadmill’s comment for reminding me of that!
I love when I get 10 hours of sleep! It’s the greatest feeling to wake up feeling refreshed and not tired.
I know! I am soooo missing that 10 hours on this Monday night!
I definitely compare myself to myself! But at the same time, I think it’s important to hold your self accountable and to acknowledge your limits. I think it can help to set the bar high for yourself, but only if it’s practical. If I’m physically able, I know it’s realistic to set goals in terms of fitness that are catered to my level. I would never have the goal to run a marathon–because training stresses me out and is not enjoyable for me–but a 5K is totally doable.
Such good points – with my foot injury, I’m adjusting my running goals as well. You’re so right about being practical with goals. SUCH a good point 🙂
I have compared myself to myself. My body in college vs. my body now. I just have to recognize how much healthier I am now! I eat better and exercise more and that’s what’s important.
PS. My college roommates and I were hooked on Felicity.That show was totally underrated!!
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