Would you believe that I was so preoccupied with a project yesterday that I almost forgot to chronicle my eats for “What I Ate Wednesday” (WIAW)? Almost. Lucky for you, just as I was about to dig into breakfast, I remembered.

Anyway, welcome to a sweet edition of WIAW. It’s sweet because there is a holiday around the corner, so of course I’ve been baking! Remember to stop over to Peas and Crayons to read some more fascinating WIAW posts.
Let’s start with breakfast. I woke up craving something sweet and carby, and since eating Cupcake Goldfish for breakfast didn’t seem like the smartest choice, I went with french toast.
I feel all fancy when I tell you I whipped up french toast for breakfast, but it’s actually very easy. In fact, it’s probably faster than cooking up some stove top oatmeal.
Anyway, as you can see, I slathered the french toast in Reddi Whip, because every meal is better when it’s covered in whipped cream.
After finishing up the project, I was ready to hit the gym. I had been stressing (shocking I know) over the project, so the gym was the perfect place to release some of that energy. I knocked out 5 easy miles and then completed my “Create your Own Bootcamp” circuit. That baby is tearing it up on Pinterest.
Seeing people repin my workouts so many times makes me happy, because I feel like I’m actually providing something useful with all of my ramblings!
The sweaty workout left me hungry, so I filled up on a Key Lime Chobani topped with Cinnamon Puffins.
Loved the flavor, and I must admit, I prefer the 2% Chobani to 0% – it’s much more creamy!
Lunch was a big ol’ bowl of chicken noodle soup, because sadly, I’m a bit under the weather…again.
The good news is that it’s a sinus infection, so there are drugs that can make it all better. Oh, and of course, it hasn’t affected my appetite. If anything, when I’m sick like this I find myself a little tired and therefore thinking I need to eat all day to keep up my energy.
So, of course, I snacked all day.
A “flying banana” topped with the almond butter I purchased last week. This picture is not exactly the best, but I was hungry and didn’t want to stop to take another…
Hummus with baked pita chips. Ohhh, this was so tasty. I had a late-day hair appointment, and the salon just happens to be located next to a restaurant with some of the best hummus and pitas I’ve ever tasted. I just couldn’t resist.
Hummus + haircut = my idea of a good time. And yes, I’m one of those people that talks to my stylist the whole time. Are you surprised?
Since I wasn’t feeling great, it seemed like the perfect night for staying in and testing out a St. Patty’s day recipe.
First, I needed to increase my veggie intake for the day with my typical giant salad for dinner.
I swear I’m being honest when I tell you that the salads are actually different every week, even though the pictures usually look very similar!
As soon as I finished my salad, I got to work in the kitchen, while watching an episode of The Voice. The blind auditions are my absolute favorite part of the season. Watching Usher, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine banter back-and-forth is my idea of a good time.
I sort of lose interest once the focus becomes the actual singing later in the season, but right now, I’m all about those good-lookin’ coaches. Believe it or not, I’m actually a huge fan of all three of them. What can I say? I have eclectic taste in music.
Anyway, I digress.
I enjoyed my kitchen time immensely last night, but that’s probably because I was working on a recipe that utilized these two ingredients.
Oh, and the baking also involved some homemade green frosting that I did NOT eat by the spoonful.
Here’s a picture of the festive little cupcakes. They were almost too pretty to eat. Almost.
Luckily I made some mini cupcakes, so that meant I could eat one and still have room for a big bowl ice cream.
Stay tuned for the recipe this Friday!
And, speaking of that big bowl of ice cream..
Edy’s 1/2 Fat Slow Churned Cookies n’ Cream topped with whipped cream and French Toast Goldfish.
Now, that’s how you end a sweet WIAW.
Let’s Chat
Chobani – o% or 2%? I prefer the 2% because it’s creamy
Favorite ice cream topping? Obviously, mine is Goldfish, but Fruity Pebbles are a close second place
St. Patrick’s Day – How do you celebrate? Well, first, I bake up something festive, because it’s a good excuse. For the past 9 years, I’ve lived in cities that celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in a big way (NYC and Chicago), so I’m definitely curious to see what Omaha has to offer in terms of celebrations…
Adam Levine on TV would be my idea of a good time, too 😉 . Why are the TV show judges over here so boring??
Not to play favourites but your WIAWs might be one of mine because you always eat such a lot of great food. Can I come over for, hm, breakfast, snacks, dinner and dessert? Basically everything vegetarian.
We don’t get Chobani or any other of the brands you have over there around here but I always go for 2%. 0 % plain is just unsatisfying.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Weighing in on a heavy topic
Yes, Adam Levin is quite the entertainer. And nice to look at too 🙂
I’m so glad you enjoy the WIAW’s, because it’s a lot of fun to eat all this good food! You are welcome on this side of the pond whenever you’d like for some Chobani and other fun treats.
Feel better soon!! P.S. those mini saltine crackers are TOO cute! 🙂
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl recently posted…WIAW: March 12, 2014
Oh yes, I love them. Always assume I’ll eat less when they’re little, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Ur st. paddy cupcakes are cute! The pic on peas n crayons drew me to ur blog 🙂 ur sweet eats look good too *thumbs up*
zoetcm recently posted…WIAW #3
Thanks so much – I’m glad you like them. Check out today’s post for the recipe 🙂
I am a huge french toast fan. Basically just a huge fan of anything bread related haha
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Healthy Ranch Dressing
You and me both, girl!
I like 2% chobani so much better too, Idk why I keep buying the 0% !!! And that frosting looks amazing… I wanted to bake something for st Pattys, is that marshmallow cream Frosting???? Yummmm now I want cupcakes.
Yes, it is marshmallow cream frosting! Hop on over to today’s post for the recipe 🙂
bahh I want that cupcake recipe! And that workout!
Andrea @ Pencils and Pancakes recently posted…Things I ate last weekend
The cupcake recipe was posted today…along with a killer workout 🙂
Those cupcakes look mighty fine and I have to say, the banana and almond butter is actually quite artistic 😉 I’ve never been in a place that really celebrates St. Patty’s day so I’m interested to see how NYC does it! I love any type of whipped cream and agree, it should totally accompany pancakes 🙂
Kaitlin recently posted…Day in the Life
When do we get to see what you whipped up with those Lucky Charms and marshmallow cream??? YUM!