Grocery shopping is my hobby
Usually on Monday, I catch up on all my blog reading and, gathering inspiration from all of you amazing writers/kitchen connoisseurs, I head to the grocery store after my little weight lifting session at the gym. This is generally the second time I’ve gone to the grocery store in 24 hours, and I will probably spend twice as much, if not three times what I intend to spend. It’s not that I have no concept of money, it’s just that I’m “easily inspired.” I’ll see a deal on a product I wouldn’t normally buy, and I’ll buy it anyway, just for the deal and the promise of a brilliant recipe. Thus, I’ve had 3 cans of Tomato Juice sitting in my fridge since the day I moved into this grand apartment.

2 is good, 4 is better butta
Or I’ll spot a deal on something I already have at home, but for some reason I’ll feel I can never have enough. Thus, I usually have 2 bottles of butter spray in my fridge at a all times (hey, 2 for $4 that’s a bargain!).
Alas, all that has changed with my Budget Diet challenge a mere 6 hours ago. I could not in good conscience stop at the grocery store knowing my pantry and fridge were full of items that would soon cross the expiration date of no return.
Because I was extremely hungry and hadn’t prepared a lunch or snacks (I didn’t decide upon my Budget Diet challenge until after I left my apt this morning), I decided to complete my weights workout at home, so that I could eat something without dropping some extra benjamins. On the plus side, this meant I made it home before sunset. This never happens to me!

Home before sunset - this is my street in NYC
Or wait a second…are the days just getting longer?? Whatever, it looked beautiful outside
The First and Last time Snookers Inspires Dinner Continue Reading →