Word Up Wednesday: Kitch-inspiration

Kitch -inspiration [kich-uhn- spuh-rey-shuhn]


An influx of unusual activity or creativity in one’s kitchen brought on by a change in circumstances, a new project or simply a culinary awakening. This activity defies normal roadblocks, such as a tiny kitchen space, a sink full of dishes or even sleep deprivation. May result in recipes and wacky food combos running through one’s mind at all hours of the night. One may need to distract herself with movies she has seen hundreds of times in order to turn off said creativity and fall asleep.

As I mentioned last week, I’ve decided that every Wednesday will now be “Word Up Wednesday” where I’ll devote a post to a “new” word of the day. Last week, I introduced you to the couch monster. And this week, let’s talk about Kitch-inspiration: Continue Reading →

The Budget Diet Kitchen Raid: Snooki Inspired, Sometimes Healthy Approved

Grocery shopping is my hobby

Usually on Monday, I catch up on all my blog reading and, gathering inspiration from all of you amazing writers/kitchen connoisseurs, I head to the grocery store after my little weight lifting session at the gym. This is generally the second time I’ve gone to the grocery store in 24 hours, and I will probably spend twice as much, if not three times what I intend to spend. It’s not that I have no concept of money, it’s just that I’m “easily inspired.” I’ll see a deal on a product I wouldn’t normally buy, and I’ll buy it anyway, just for the deal and the promise of a brilliant recipe. Thus, I’ve had 3 cans of Tomato Juice sitting in my fridge since the day I moved into this grand apartment.

2 is good, 4 is better butta

Or I’ll spot a deal on something I already have at home, but for some reason I’ll feel I can never have enough. Thus, I usually have 2 bottles of butter spray in my fridge at a all times (hey, 2 for $4 that’s a bargain!).

Alas, all that has changed with my  Budget Diet challenge a mere 6 hours ago. I could not in good conscience stop at the grocery store knowing my pantry and fridge were full of items that would soon cross the expiration date of no return.

Because I was extremely hungry and hadn’t prepared a lunch or snacks (I didn’t decide upon my Budget Diet challenge until after I left my apt this morning), I decided to complete my weights workout at home, so that I could eat something without dropping some extra benjamins. On the plus side, this meant I made it home before sunset. This never happens to me!

Home before sunset - this is my street in NYC

Or wait a second…are the days just getting longer?? Whatever, it looked beautiful outside

The First and Last time Snookers Inspires Dinner Continue Reading →

Turn that Monday Frown Upside Down: The Resolution Edition

Confession: Just over one month ago, I completed 26.2 miles in less than four hours at a pace of 8:59 per mile.

This morning, I struggled to complete 3 miles at a pace of 9:20 per mile. Uh oh. Someone’s slipping! I promised myself I’d stay in tip-top shape after the marathon, but it seems I’ve lost that running mojo. I cannot remember the last time I’ve had a good run, and even though I’m still running at least four times a week, I’m not challenging myself during my runs and most of the time it’s a battle to complete my goal mileage until the very last second. My oh my, how the mighty have fallen!

Confession: I didn’t blog all weekend, not because I was busy, but because I just didn’t do much that was worthy of writing about! If you’d like to catch up on my life over this weekend, read about my Soul Food craving. That’s all I’ve got for ya after a weekend of beautiful weather in the Big Apple. The line was too long at Sixteen Handles, due to the amazing weather, so I had to settle for some old school Tasti D-Lite. When you’ve experienced all-you-can eat yogurt and unlimited cereal toppings, Tasti-D just loses it’s luster…

Confession: I use Mint.com to budget my groceries every month and every month around the 20th, I receive an alert telling me that I’ve surpassed my previously established budget. BAD Sometimes Healthy Girl.

Lots of reasons to turn that Monday Frown Upside Down this morning, but for me it’s the chance to start fresh after a lazy weekend, some budget slip-ups and some less-than stellar runs.

Since I’m someone who get’s easily overwhelmed, my plan is to attack one slip-up at a time. Starting with the grocery budget. Continue Reading →