There is No Place like Nebraska Syndrome and Tailgating with Donuts

Help me readers – I’m sick.

I miss "wide open spaces" and big, spacious grocery aisles!

I’ve got this very rare “illness.” Usually get it about 3 – 4 times per year. It’s characterized with extensive periods of feeling sorry for myself, longing for country music and “wide open spaces,” dreaming of large grocery stores with diverse baking aisles and produce sections, wanting to turn the corner and run into someone that tells you to “have a good day” because they actually care and needing the comforting sight of chain restaurants and never-ending cornfields.

I call this illness “There is no place like Nebraska” syndrome. Time and draft beer are the only cure…but it never completely goes away.

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Cheesesteaks Don’t Need Steak: Lessons Learned at HLS

Steak Cheesesteak, Veggie Cheesesteak? Read on to find out 😉

Over the weekend, at the Healthy Living Summit, I met more amazing and accomplished people than I ever thought was possible to fit in a room, tweeted more than I’ve ever tweeted in my entire life and discovered a new kind of bread to obsess about…

Oh and I learned that the Philly Cheesesteak tastes just as good without the steak…

I’d love to recap the entire conference for you, but per usual, I’m a bit late to the game, and I imagine you’ve probably read it all a few times by now. So instead, let’s talk about some of the lessons I learned at Healthy Living Summit 2011: Continue Reading →

Carbs vs Chocolate: A Sticky Situation

A Sometimes Healthy Poll: (Think Carefully!) If you were told you had to be stranded on a desert island for 2 months and you had the choice of having the following, which one would you choose?

  1. An unlimited supply of chocolate (chocolate ice cream, chocolate candy, chocolate cereal, chocolate syrup, etc. – there would be a refrigerator on a desert island in my scenario)
  2. A never-ending garden of all of your favorite fruits and vegetables
  3. An unlimited supply of carbohydrates including but not limited to: bread, pasta, pretzels, chips, etc. (you’d also be allowed to bring all the toppings/dipping sauces /condiments your little heart might desire)
  4. A Brad Pitt look alike a la Legend of the Falls to hunt/gather all of the fresh produce/protein you would need to ensure you’d be nutritionally fulfilled (meats, fruits, veggies, etc.)

And all-of-the-above is NOT an option. 

Well this Sometimes Healthy Girl would not hesitate in choosing Option #3! Option #4 sounds enticing – the opportunity to be Always Healthy Girl who is surrounded by a handsome man and a 6 pack of chiseled abs 24/7 seems pretty appealing right? But then I’d have to worry about my frizzy hair and bikini body 24/7 – plus the food would be so boring without bottles of bbq sauce, honey mustard and ketchup to dump on top of it! Option #2 eliminates the worry of bikini body (since I’d be alone on the island), but one can only go so long with only fruits and veggies before getting stir crazy. And Option #1, while difficult to turn down just doesn’t do the trick for this carb-crazy girl.

I’d happily pick Option #3 with the unlimited carbs, and I imagine I’d be a very happy Sometimes Healthy girl (albeit slightly nutritionally deprived) during my stay on fake stranded island….although I’d hope the Brad Pitt look-alike wouldn’t make a surprise visit, as I’m not sure how good the carbs would be for the ol’ waistline…

Meet my Friend Chloe
This long-winded hypothetical scenario was a way of getting you to consider which addicting, yet unbelievably comforting food you prefer: carbs or chocolate. The dilemma  has been on my mind a lot the past couple days as my special friend dropped in for her monthly visit. Yeah, you know who I’m talking about. Continue Reading →

And I Gotta Say, Today was a Good Day

Bye bye April Showers - helloooo sunshine! My walk to the gym was bliss

From country music on Friday, to a little bit of old school rap on this beautiful Sunday here in NYC. If you’ve never heard Ice Cube’s “It was a Good Day,” please check out the link at the bottom of this post. Rap music doesn’t always run deep (and neither does country), but sometimes it just captures my mood so perfectly. This song is as simple as it sounds: It’s about a good day; one of those days where everything just runs smoothly and it’s all good :-).

Well, as my friend Ice Cube put it so eloquently back in 1995, “Today was a Good Day” here in NYC. The rain and clouds cleared away from yesterday and brought lots of sunshine and surprises.

Started out the day with a walk and some kickboxing (my version of yoga), moved onto a little whiffle ball, got a little starstruck, enjoyed a bit of pampering and finally rounded it ALL out with a delicious Italian dinner.

Here’s the short recap. Continue Reading →

A Pop-Tart Kind of Day!

Which one of these little UNhealthy treats did this Sometimes Healthy Girl enjoy today?

A. Strawberry Pop-Tarts

And Im transported back to elementary school...

B. Pretzels and Cream Cheese

Howd that sign get there?

C. Whipped Cream…out of the can?

uh oh...this picture looks suspect...

If you guessed all of the above…you are correct. As a prize, I’ll ship you a month’s supply of pretzels, cream cheese and Reddi Whip (this is clearly a joke but if any of you are interested in this “prize” whatsoever then you should continue to read my blog because clearly we are soulmates). Continue Reading →

A Change In Plans

New Yorkers working harrrrd

I had to work late tonight, but thankfully, it inspired me to write what I planned on being tonight’s post… That was then, but as in life, and especially in NYC, things just don’t always go as planned…

I like my original post, so I’m going to use it to paint a picture of how I got to where I am right now. You’ll just have to read through it all to get to the deeper stuff ;-).

Tonight’s post was going to start as follows:  How I Put on a Happy Face When Working Late

So goes the “glamorous” NYC life. We play hard, but we work way harder (at least I do!).  This is an aspect of New York that I think Hollywood gets right (Devil Wears Prada is my fave movie of all time). Continue Reading →