I’ve never worked at a place where I actually look forward to the staff meetings until now…and not just because they provide lunch (free food is never a bad thing). I like our staff meetings, because miraculously, I enjoy the company of every single person in my office. And while it might sound a bit cheesy, every time we all get together, I’m reminded that I’m right where I belong.
18 months ago I was considering leaving NYC altogether. I even flew back to Omaha for an interview at a pr firm there. I had one foot out of the door, when I received a call from my company’s HR department. I couldn’t even remember applying for job (I had applied to so many at that point!), but from the moment I walked in the door, I knew it was something special.
And now over a year later, I can say that I was 100% correct. Case-in-point. Yesterday’s staff meeting lunch: a nostalgic trip to the elementary school lunchroom – Peanut Butter Sandwich Bar, complete with Marshmallow Fluff, Nutella, bananas oh AND of course, milk and cookies. Continue Reading →