Ever wondered about what it would be like to walk in the stilettos of a fabulously successful, savvy, fashionable, New York power woman??
Well, keep wondering (or watch Sex and the City), because I certainly have no idea. I am undoubtedly a New Yorker – this is a fact. However whether or not I am savvy, fashionable and a “New York power woman” is certainly debatable. There are some days, I feel like I own this city:
I bang out 6 miles in Central Park before the clock strikes 7:30, strut my stuff in a brand new J Crew dress and cute Tori Burch flats as I walk to the subway while jammin’ out to country music, complete a full day of work with enthusiasm and determination, eat balanced, nutritional meals throughout the day and finally head out to happy hour with some friends (where, of course I exercise moderation and drink only one glass of pinot grigio)

This is what it's like to "own" the city
But, most days, it’s a combination of triumphs and trials. New York is the type of place where your luck AND emotions can change in a flash. One minute I’ll feel like Carrie Bradshaw and two minutes later, spurred by some random chain of events, I’ll suddenly feel as out of place as a Gleek who is just one misstep away from having a purple slushie dumped all over her…

Maybe I DON'T belong here...
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times: New York is the land of the unpredictable. If you can stick to a routine here, I applaud you.
Nevertheless, some of the blog posts I’ve always found most interesting are those where I get a glimpse into the everyday activities of my favorite bloggers. So, just in case anyone was curious about a day in the life of a Sometimes Healthy New Yorker Girl, voila! In typical Sometimes Healthy style, this “day in the life” may be both long-winded and dramatic. Continue Reading →