We’re doing a bit of work in the kitchen over the next few weeks, and this means limited use of my favorite room in the house.
This week, I’ve had to make due without an oven, and I’ve actually enjoyed getting creative in the kitchen. I also got reacquainted with my old friend the Crockpot, also known as the Magical Pot. Is it just me or is it nearly impossible to mess up a Crockpot dish?
And, for my next magic trick, I will clear out all of the vegetables in my fridge, throw them in a pot with some chicken broth, beans and seasoning and POOF, in 3 hours, you shall have a delicious and nutritious dinner. So far this week I’ve made meatloaf and last night’s veggie-packed dinner in the Crockpot. Both were magically delicious.
Before I spend an entire post talking about the wonders of a crockpot, let’s step back to breakfast for 2014’s first “What I Ate Wednesday.” (WIAW)

No oven, no problem.
Breakfast was very filling so, I was able to work through lunch without even needing to grab a snack. This never happens. I am a snacker, and I usually eat at least 2 snacks before lunch. Gotta keep that metabolism revved up! Continue Reading →