Things I’m Loving: Baby It’s STILL Cold Outside

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a “Things I’m Loving” post, and though I know you’ve all enjoyed the recent Monday posts about my fascinating breakup, I thought it was time for another post about all of the things I’m lusting over in the Pinterest-sphere. 

We’ve reached the point in the winter where all anyone can do is complain about how cold it is outside. However, this year, it’s just bitterly cold. I read one weather report for Omaha that went something like this: Friday – cold, snow; Saturday – much colder, more snow: Sunday – Frigid. Yep, it sure has been one hell of a winter! For those of you in warmer climates, I am absolutely jealous of you right now.


But, for the rest of the country, we could all use a few a little extra warmth in our life right now. Let’s start with these things…

Currently dreaming of warming up with…

These Cake Batter Oreo Cookies. I almost always lead these posts with Sally’s mouthwatering creations. All of her recipes are remarkably delicious and unique, yet very approachable. Doesn’t this picture make you want to curl up by the fire with a tray of these moist, flavorful cookies? 


I plan on doing just that at some point in the week, along with Sally’s first cookbook, which was just released on Saturday!


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Things I’m Loving: The New Year’s Resolution Edition

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly behind in life?

Who am I kidding? We all feel that way most of the time. The older you get, the more responsibilities you have, and the more responsibilities you have, the more you need to be what they call an “adult” and prioritize, AND the more your prioritize certain things, the more other things go on the back burner and become the “I’ll get back to that when I have the time” things. Such is life.

I’m fairly certain that the last time I didn’t feel behind was in 6th grade where the most stressful thing on my agenda was choreographing my Bryan Adams lip synching skit for the talent show. (Yes, that happened. It was a “dramatic interpretation of the hit ballad “Everything I Do, I Do it for You,” and I absolutely received a standing ovation).

Anyway, here we are in the second week of January, and I have yet to get started on formulating my New Year’s Resolutions. I realize that resolutions aren’t for everyone, but, if you haven’t noticed from some of my posts, my life has been a bit out of sorts for the last few months. I could definitely use an excuse to start getting my s*** together.

Alas, I find myself behind. I’m not ready to put the pen to the paper yet, so instead, I’ve been packing my Pinterest board with healthy recipes, workouts, organizational ideas and other items that will help me be a better “me” in 2014.

According to a Harris Poll, here are the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Americans:


None of these resolutions are too surprising, and I myself identify with each and every one of them, except for #1 and #7. In fact, I’m sure they’ll be on my list in some shape or form. So, in the spirit of the most common resolutions, this “Things I’m Loving” Edition is dedicated to items geared towards helping us out in these ever-popular self-improvement categories. Get ready to “Pin” away!

Let’s start with my favorite resolution of all…. Continue Reading →

5 Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

As I type this post to you my arms/abs are still a bit sore from a new workout I tried at my gym on Saturday! I don’t know about you, but I love this feeling! It’s a surefire indicator to me that the new workout challenged my body, and I know that it means I am building muscle. More on this new class later in the post.

Workin it at AGX!

Workin it at AGX!

The workout inspired me to share my 5 go-to workouts that you can do anywhere (well, almost anywhere). Most of my friends have children, so whenever I create a workout, I’m constantly thinking about whether or not one of them would be able to do the workout while their child is at school or napping. I know that  the busier life gets, the easier it is to let go of our workouts. But the bottom line is, all of us most likely have 20 to 30 minutes to spare a day. It’s just a question of motivating ourselves to get off the couch and do it.

Yesterday, at our Girls on the Run event (where we raised tons of money for the organization!), I was talking to one of the mothers who actually competes in Ironmans on a regular basis. She said that she has gotten herself into the habit of doing workouts while her 3-year-old watches tv. It was hard at first, but once that became her routine, she didn’t even think twice. 

Guest Bartending for Girls on the Run...we raised a whole lotta money for a good cause!

Guest Bartending for Girls on the Run…we raised a whole lotta money for a good cause!

With a little bit of planning, you should be able to fit any of these workouts into your schedule.


Calories Burned: Approx. 590 per hour*

Equipment Required: Treadmill, track or simply you neighborhood sidewalk Continue Reading →

Double Dark Chocolate Avocado Cookies and a Sometimes Healthy Workout

There is nothing a healthy living blogger enjoys more than substitution. We’re always in search of the next “big thing” in the world of healthy cooking substitutions. Sometimes, I actually wake up in the middle of the night with wacky ideas of potential food replacements for my next recipe. 

So, when I saw this infographic on Pinterest a few days ago, the mad cooking scientist in me literally giggled with glee:

Healthy Baking Substitutions-1

Source: Greatist

Not only does this handy-dandy substitution cheat sheet provide an exhaustive list of options, but also it tells you what recipes to use the replacements foods in and how they will help improve the health factor of your sweet treats. 

Since I’m always on the hunt for these types of things, I was pretty familiar with most of them, but my eyes zeroed in on one: avocados. I’ve written about my love for avocados before and have never been afraid to experiment with them. But replace butter with avocados…in a sweet dish. Now, that’s just crazy right?

Let me get this want me to add this to my cookie?

Let me get this straight…you want me to add this to my cookie?

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