Tonight, I was in the mood for something deep fried and delicious, so I broke out my deep fryer, threw in some chicken and had myself “a little bit of chicken fried…“
Everyone Needs a Theme Song
While reading this month’s SELF magazine (cover to cover, per usual), I was very intrigued by a statement from their cover model, Zooey Deschanel:
“Everyone needs a theme song! It should make you feel like a million dollars.”
Nothing too profound – remember this Sometimes Healthy Blog doesn’t always run too deep. But nonetheless, I like her thinking. Shouldn’t we all have a soundtrack to our lives? Part of the reason I like running so much is that I get to listen to my music and pretend that I am awesome. There is no secret to my ability to run two hours on a treadmill. I just turn to the “Success is My Only Mother F**** Option” playlist on my ipod (quote from Eminem song – yes, I know, it’s classy) visualize my future full of awesomeness and zone out.
My Theme Song
Zooey’s theme song is “Friends of Mine” by the Zombies. Never heard it, but I’ll have to give it a spin. My “life theme song” certainly changes with my mood, but for the purposes of this exercise, I’ll pick one: Continue Reading →